Delft City Shuttle helpt Ali B ontsnappen: (kijk rond minuut 4 van het fimpje)

The Shuttle
The Delft City Shuttle: everyone can enjoy the highlights of Delft in a 35 minute tour, or take the Shuttle to get to one of our stops:
Camping Delftse Hout
Botanical Garden
Delft Central Station
Museum Prinsenhof
New & Old Church
Chocolate Company Cafe
Grandcafé Het Konings Huys
Willem van Oranje Grand Café
Belvédère Café
Royal Bridges Hotels
Brands Rondvaarten
Hotel Johannes Vermeer

A ride in the Delft City Shuttle is good fun!
Every 20 minutes a shuttle arrives at one of the stops. Hop on! It's practical, fun, enjoyable and an eco-friendly alternative way of transportation compared to a taxi. CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE!
Tickets: € 5,- for a hop-on-hop-off daytrip. € 3,- for an single A to B-ticket. Available at all the stops.
From March 25th:
Monday til Friday 12 .00 – 17.00
Saturday and Sunday 10.00 – 17.00
From April 29th:
Monday till Sunday 10.00 – 17.00
WHAT is it all about?
Delft City Shuttle is a social venture and is operated by DOEL. All drivers are selected and trained by DOEL.
Speakers Corner
Where the people behind the Delft City Shuttle introduce themselves.
Delft City Shuttle is one of the nominees for the 'Duim 2015'. The award goes to the most innovative care-project. Please vote for us at: Zorgbelang-zuidholland.nl, Choose Delft City Shuttle., choo